University of Garmian
Paser Magazine

Passer Magazine

Passer Journal for basic and applied sciences (PSR): Open Access Platform for Scientific Discovery

PSR is a biannual, open-access journal publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Named after the sparrow ("Passari" in the Kurdish region), the journal reflects the spirit of scientific exploration and knowledge dissemination.

Committed to Open Access:

PSR removes financial barriers to scientific progress. As an Open Access Journal (OAJ), it levies no article submission charges (ASCs) or article processing charges (APCs). Published articles are freely downloadable, ensuring maximum accessibility for researchers and the public alike. However, an Article Publishing Charge of 150,000 Iraqi Dinars (IQD) helps defray operational costs.

Index and Broad Scope:

PSR is indexed in Scopus and many scientific Databases. It welcomes original research findings in English from diverse fields like medical sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and computer science. The journal prioritizes research showcasing originality, significance, innovative approaches, and surprising conclusions.


PSR serves the scientific community by promoting the publication of groundbreaking research across all areas of basic and applied sciences. It aims to not only advance scientific knowledge but also share these discoveries with the public, fostering a culture of scientific awareness.


Garmian University College of Science
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